
Last updateSun, 20 Aug 2023 9pm

Rights of Sadāt

Rights of Sadāt 

Allama Hilli in his book ‘Qawaidul Ahkam’ counsels his son Fakhrul Muhaqqiqain in the following words:

“You should practise Silet ar-Rahm with the pure descendants of the Sadāt also. The Almighty Allah (S.w.T.) has emphasized upon this duty so much that he has made the love of relatives of the Holy Prophet (S) as a compensation of the prophetic mission.”

 “...Say: I do not ask of you any reward for it but love for my near relatives....”

(Surah ash-Shūrā 42:23)

 The Holy Prophet (S) said:

“I shall intercede for four types of people even if they carry the sins of all humanity.”

1)      A person who has helped my descendants and progeny.

2)      A person who has spent his wealth upon my descendants when they were in need.

3)      A person who has loved my Progeny with his tongue and his heart.

4)      A person who has considered the wants of my descendants when they were surrounded by enemies and were homeless.”

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